Diving trips                                                                      Diving                 Diving trips - part II.



Kvetnica quarry, November 09.2023

Cludy and rainy, but also sunny a little bit. Air temperature 22 oC , water 6,5 oC, visibilty up to 4m, max.depth 10,9m, divetime 47min.  Big sturgeon.







Kvetnica quarry, November 09.2023

Clear weather, air temperature 9 oC , water 10 oC, visibilty up to 4m, max.depth 8,6m, divetime 45min.  Big pike.




Kvetnica quarry, September 28.2023

Clear weather, air temperature 23 oC , water 18 oC, visibilty up to 4m, max.depth 8,1m, divetime 50min.


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Kvetnica quarry, October 20.2022

Clear weather, air temperature + 12 oC , water 11,2 oC, visibilty up to 6m, max.depth 9,5m, divetime 43min. Big carps.


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Hornád river, February 10.2022

Cloudy weather, +6o C . Mild current, visibility   3m, water temp. 2,5oC. Max depth 4,3m, dive time 50 min. Two big catfish.  Many dead barbels as lately, the do not decay.


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complete  gallery Hornád 


Hornád river, January 13.2022

Clear weather, air -3oC . Mild current, visibility  up to 3m, water temp. 1,5oC. Max depth 4,5m, dive time 47 min. Five big catfish, barbels. Many dead barbels.



video >>>

complete  gallery Hornád 


Kvetnica quarry, Slovakia, November 16.2021

Mist and air temperature + 1oC before the dive. Dive time 52 min., water temperature 6oC. Max depth 11,2m.

Before the dive - mist



The dive




After dive - sunny day



complete gallery Kvetnica >>>


Hornád river, June 23.2021

Clear weather, heat 30 , mild current. Visibility 75 - 150 cm. Rocks and stones covered with brown algae (looked like fur- see picture below). Max. depth 4,6m,  dive time53min., water temperature 13,2 o C


scenery with a mist               me                                                        Peter                                                       brovn algae

complete  gallery Hornád 



Ružín lake, Slovakia, February 09.2020 - ice diving

Clear weather, -7 o C in the morning, +2 o C  later. Ice 20 cm thick. Water temperature 1,5o C.



video >>>

complete  fotogallery Ružín


Hornád river, November 02.2019

Misty wheather, + 5 oC, water 10 oC, mild current, I tested my new Sencor camera. We saw 2 barbels and many  freswater sponges- white ones and green ones ( colored by the green algas). Max. depth 4,5m,  dive time 53 min.


ja                            Peter                                                                               freshwater sponges-white and green       barbel                dive-profile

complete  gallery Hornád 

video >>>

Hornád river, September 21.2019  - night dive

Mild  current, visibility 2m, water temperature 15,3 oC, many barbels, couple of perches, one ruffe. Nice freshwater sponges. Dive time 48 min., max. depth 3,3m.


me                           Peter                                                                                 barbel                                                                                                                     ruffe                                                              


freshwater sponges                                                                dive profile


complete  gallery Hornád 


Zakrzowek (Krakow), June 06.2019

Visibility 4-8m,  water temperature in 24,5m 5,2o of Celsius. Dive time 55 min. Sunken boots, airplane, plateau.


panorama                 me                            Peter                  dive through           plateau                   dive profile


complete  gallery of Zakrzowek 


Zakrzowek (Krakow), April 18.2019

Visibility up to 6m, flight of perches, sunken boats, airplane. Perfect dive.


spring panorama               me               Peter   Jurčák            perches                airplane                                                                         dive profile              


complete  gallery of Zakrzowek 

Hornád river,  March 09.2019

One big catfish,  one groundling. Worse visibility.


Ján Rešovský            Peter   Jurčák         me                                                      groundling          catfish                       dive profile

complete  gallery Hornád 

Hornád river,  February 16.2019

One big catfish,  school of little fish


complete  gallery Hornád 

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Hornád river, February 10.2019

Several big catfish


complete  gallery Hornád 

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Zakrzowek (Krakow), October 30.2018

Cloudy, but 20oC, visibility 10 m. We visited the boats and the airplane. Max. depth 23,3m,  dive time 49 min. Today again a little water leak into my camera housing.


 panorama              me                                                                                              Peter                                                                       dive profile


complete  gallery of Zakrzowek

Zakrzowek (Krakow), September 17.2018

What a wonderful day! Lovely weather, clear water. Large schools of fish. A little of water leaked into my wtaertight camera casing. One of the sunken airplanes has disapeared. I teste my new dry suit zipper, new HP hose and gauge and Apeks watch 500m.


me                                                         Peter                    dive profile


complete  gallery of Zakrzowek

Zakrzowek (Krakow), June 18.2018

There were lots of perches. We visited HMS Gruby, I penetrated a large tubing.We



 Peter Jurčák:                              


The Perch:                  Dive profile:



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complete  gallery of Zakrzowek

Zakrzowek (Krakow),  April 10.2017

Suuny day. We visited the sunken wooden  ship named HMS GRUBYand enterd her.


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complete  gallery of Zakrzowek

Zakrzowek (Krakow),  April 10.2017

Suuny day, 26o C, water 3o C, visibility 8 - 4 m. We visited the sunken boats and aiplanes.



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complete  gallery of Zakrzowek


snorkeling in the lake Veľký Meder (Slovakia),   August 2.-9.2015

It used to be a ballast pit, now it is a large lake with clear water. Clear, blue water, many fish, also big fish.

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Zakrzowek (Krakow),  April 10.2017

Suuny day, visibility 4-5m, water temp. 4 o C


complete  gallery of Zakrzowek


Hornád river (Slovakia) February 01.2017

Hornád river between   Veľká Lodina and Malá Lodina (Bokšov) was clear, v isibility more than  3m.  9 catfish  together with a big   carp.



 the river                         me                                                                            Peter Jurčák  - he is taking on 2 hoods                                                   Peter Jurčák    

complete  gallery Hornád 


Zakrzowek (Krakow), November  26.2016

Misty weather, 3o C, water 8o C, visibility 6-8m, many divers.



video- >>>

complete  gallery of Zakrzowek


Zakrzowek (Krakow), April 07.2016


Lovely weather, clear water! We found sunken wooden ship, it is possible to enter the ship. There´s a pirate captain (skeleton).  Water temperature on the bottom 3,5 st.C. Max. depth 28,6m, dive time. 46 min.


me                                     Peter Jurčák                 new construction             mirror                                                               Peter & captain          dive profile


video >>  

complete  gallery of Zakrzowek



Zakrzowek (Krakow), November 05.2015

I left my camera behind, so there are just dry photos. . Dive time 54 min, max. depth 24,1m. Lovely weather..


me                                    Peter Jurčák                   me                                                                                                                 dive profile


complete  gallery of Zakrzowek

Zakrzowek (Krakow), 23.092015

Lovely weather, clear water, lot of fish, big pike. Sunken boats, 2 airplanes, car. Dive time 63 min., max. depth 23,3m. Buddies: Peter Jurčák and  Peter Kľoc


   panorama                    big pike                                                                                                                                                                                        me                                     Peter Jurčák             Peter Kľoc                    dive profiel


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complete  gallery of Zakrzowek

snorkeling in the lake Veľký Meder (Slovakia),  July - August 2015

It used to be a ballast pit, now it is a large lake with clear water.


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Zakrzowek (Krakow), June 24.2015



panorama                                                                                                                                                                                                                         me                                    Octavia                              pike                                                           


 pike and Peter Kľoc                                                                                      dive profile


The exposition "The scuba diving yesterday and today" - May 15. 2015    17:00   Východoslovenské  múzeum,  Košice, Slovakia  


The exposition is organised  and the items are owned by my long time diving friend  Peter Ferdinandy.

 invitation                                                            museum                     P.Ferdinandy(right)       me & P.Ferdinandy     me & my photobox                                                                            P.Ferdinandy & P.Jurčák         me                   Peter Jurčák



 helmet replica                 historical suits                                                                                            watches                     depth gauges                       torches                            snorkels                    regulators                knives                       


  tanks                                                                   UW scooter                    phozoboxes (home made)                             Gryf  boat                       bouyancy compensator PL40   




Tornaľa, May 01.2015



                                                                                   me                             Peter Jurčák                       me                                                                         Peter Jurčák                                                  "naughty" tree            apple tree and  the water well


                                         dive profile

complete  photogallery Tornaľa

Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), March 02.2015



headquaters                          panorama                        me                               Peter Jurčák                   Peter Kľoc                    cockpit #.1                cockpit #.12                     sceletons                                                         Peter Kľoc                  car cockpit    


PC                                      rolling "fog"                                                                                            the rain                               dive profile

complete  gallery of Zakrzowek


Tornaľa , January 28.2015

Cavern, Nitrox dive (28,5% Nitrox)


me                                                                                       Peter                             the mist


                                                                                     dive profile

complete  photogallery Tornaľa



Zakrzowek  (Krakow, Poland), October 14.2014   


    panorama                                                                                                           the fall                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         me                             dive profileu


complete  gallery of Zakrzowek

video >>>

Tornaľa,Slovakia July 28.2014

Cavern, Nitrox and video dive


  the surface                             me                                  em                                 Peter                                                                                                      dive profile


complete  photogallery Tornaľa

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Ružín, June 22.2014


   me                                 Peter                                  Peter                              in the 20.minute                 tree stump                          and rocks                                                                   maple                    perch                                pikeperch                       sink       


     tree stump                            pipe                             dive profile

complete  photogallery Tornaľa

Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), March 12.2014


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Tornaľa (Slovakia)  March 03.2014

dive profile :      

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Tornaľa (Slovakia), January 11.2014



entrance order                 sludgy staairs              the mud on the bank            views on the water                                             the sun                              falling off clay in the shallow water


the pipes                                 cave-diving line with triangle mark                                                         algas                                 Peter                                 me                                      dive prifile                     water in my watch

complete  photogallery Tornaľa


Tornaľa (Slovakia), November 24.2013)


the lodge                                                            the cat on the lodgei    useful info on the gate                                     the gate to the crater          view on   the clear water                                supporting rope        by the !mill!              hot air ventilator


complete  photogallery Tornaľa


Ružín, October 06.2013


complete photogallery Ružín

Tornaľa (Slovakia), September 11.2013)


   the "crater" - cavern                                             "the mill"                       living room                                                           "court room"                                                      kitchen                              gallery and garret rooms



lake Veľký Meder - august 2013

snorkeling in the lake

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Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), June 12.2013


views  on the water                                                                                        parking place                   Peter K.                             Peter J.                      Peter J. near the ship                  me                        me and Peter J.            

video >>>       

Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), March 07.2013 - ice diving


the gate                                                                the  ice                          new atraction- the ship                                         Peter with the reel          Peter                            Peter                          


the model- perch                                                                                          circular sponge          branches                                                              mussels           


me                                   me                                  Peter                              Peter



video  >>


Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), October 17.2012


 yellow  leaves                the bench                          autumnal  panorama                                                my equipment                   Bohdan                           Peter Kľoc                       me

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Ružín lake (Slovakia), October 06.2012


horned animal                 panorama                         the waves                         Peter                             me                                   me             


tube                                 corrugated plate               wheel                             tree                         wood                      roscks                                                                                                         grain wheel                black among white       


Peter                                 Peter                            me                                 scallop-shell


Ružín lake (Slovakia), September 23.2012

I tested my brand new camera housing Olympus PT 042 for Olymous VG 160.


 Bjornson´s  memorial                                                                                arrival driveway                                                     typical panorama                                                                                 self-portrait                     box                               skeleton 


 wash-dish                    shaped brick                    typical rocks in  Ružín                                                                             holes in the rock                                                   various pieces of wood


                                                                                scallop-shell                     me                                me                              Bohdan                           our rock on the tree stool  


Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), September 11.2012


signs of  autumn                                                    typical panorama (as always)                           clear water                     new dive center             parkingplace                                                     my equipment


  me                             Bohdan                           our shelter                  Bohdan  prepares his equipment                           for men  :-)


Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), June 27.2012


views on the water                                                                                                                                                                   Peter    and       Bohdan            

Short "dry" video:            

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Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), June 08.2012


typical panorama                                                                                                me                                       me                             Peter      K.                 Bohdan                           Bohdan                          Sura


Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), March  15.2012- ice diving

diving center  Kraken                                    Peter                              shelters                                                                                                the ice

                                                                              me                                                                                                        Peter                                                            goodbye ice!!


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Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), November  05.2011-  bus- wreck diving

typical panorama - always  the same and always different... (I can´t  help myself, I always must to take a picture:-)


diving center                                                                                                                                                                                my diving equipment



the bride...   (my   "paparazzi -like" photos :-)

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Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), October  29.2011-  airplane- wreck diving


typical  panorama      me                                   Peter                            Peter                                me


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Tornala, Slovakia (crater), September 10.2011 -  cavern diving      


surface                                                            little fish  in shallow water                Peter                            me                  dive profile


Tornala, Slovakia (crater), August 20.2011 -  cavern diving  


our diving equipment                                         algas on the water

 video >>



Tornala, Slovakia (crater), July 02.2011 -  cavern diving       


Peter                                 me


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Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), April 20.2011


diving center in Krakow                                     "our" bench shows how the surface decreased



Bohdan                       my equipment                                                           Peter K.before the dive                                     Bohdan and me                    me                         


Tornala, Slovakia ("Sea Eye"), April.02.2011 -  cavern diving


the entrance to lido, where is the crater located      views on the surface of crater                                                                                                      Peter                          me


dry video >>               

Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), March 22.2011


me                                                                                Peter                            views into water                                                                                                                                


 surface decreased                                                                                       me after dive                                                                                                                

comparison of the surface level


Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), February 05.201





 me                                                                                                                  Peter


me                                                                             Peter

 comparison of the surface level


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Tornaľa (crater), January 15.2011 -  cavern diving        


                                         fog on the water                                                           Peter                                                                          me




Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), November 15.2010


                                 perfect reflection                                     




                                it is me ...              ...and me...                 Peter


video >> 


Grodek  (Jaworzno, Poland), November 03.2010






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Ružín lake - decreased surface , September 26.2010

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Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), September 15.2010



Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poand), June 26.2010



Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), June 19.2010




Tornaľa (crate) Slovakia, May 01.2010         




Grodek  (Jaworzno, Poland), March 31.2010         


dry  video             uw video            gallery


Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), March 25.2010




Ice diving in  Ružín lake, January 24.2010 - not realized because of bad conditions


gallery       video

The sound of cracking ice >>>



Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), December 27.2009




Ružín lake, Slovakia  December 25.2009




Zakrzowek (Krakow, Poland), November 28.2009


 Up                   Diving